Want to find a job in Florence quickly and without any difficulties? Interested in the latest vacancies? DoItProf.com has a large number of offers from different employers. There is a lot of work for men and women, and a wide selection of tasks for English-speaking freelancers. You can also work without knowledge of the language in Italy, and find part-time work for students. You can also work full-time if you have a lot of free time. The most popular jobs for foreigners in Florence are: housekeeping, construction, moving and transportation of stuff, repair of apartments and offices, pet care, assistance in organizing events, work at exhibitions for models and hostesses, all tourists services, etc. If you still have not found a suitable job, stay tuned for updates, and an interesting will most likely appear very soon.
Perhaps you are also interested in housing in Florence. If that's the case, you can rent apartments cheaply on our website. You can also choose a more budget option, for example, rent a room without brokerage in a good area for short or long term.
Professional performers for you
If you need a person who is a professional in a certain field, then you will definitely find him on our website. All household services in Florence are widely represented here: room cleaning, whitewashing of rooms at a decent price, housekeeping, etc. You can also find a nurse, a nanny for a child or a tutor at DoItProf.com. Make to describe the task in detail. That way, you can quickly find a suitable assistant, as specialists will be able to better understand the task assigned to them, as well as its complexity. Once the specialist has finished his work, you can leave your feedback about him, thereby helping other customers to understand who they are dealing with. A free online calculation is available for you, thanks to which you can determine how much the photographer, translators, guides, all the freelancers in Florence, and other specialists cost.